Adalet Yayınevi Introduction To Law In A Nutshell Nutshell Series I / Engin Saygın / / 9786258209327

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Adalet Yayınevi Introduction To Law In A Nutshell Nutshell Series I / Engin Saygın / / 9786258209327

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  • Satıcı: bkmkitap Satıcı Ünvanı: POİNT İNTERNET TEKNOLOJİLERİ VE LOJİSTİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: İstanbul Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0563065227000001 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 5630652270
    Bu ürün bkmkitap tarafından gönderilecektir.
  • Kampanya fiyatından satılmak üzere 5 adetten fazla stok sunulmuştur.
  • İncelemiş olduğunuz ürünün satış fiyatını satıcı belirlemektedir.
  • Bir ürün, birden fazla satıcı tarafından satılabilir. Birden fazla satıcı tarafından satışa sunulan ürünlerin satıcıları ürün için belirledikleri fiyata, satıcı puanlarına, teslimat statülerine, ürünlerdeki promosyonlara, kargonun bedava olup olmamasına ve ürünlerin hızlı teslimat ile teslim edilip edilememesine, ürünlerin stok ve kategorileri bilgilerine göre sıralanmaktadır.
  • Bu üründen en fazla 25 adet sipariş verilebilir. 25 adedin üzerindeki siparişleri Trendyol iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar. Belirlenen bu limit kurumsal siparişlerde geçerli olmayıp, kurumsal siparişler için farklı limitler belirlenebilmektedir.
  • 15 gün içinde ücretsiz iade. Detaylı bilgi için tıklayın.
  • I strongly believe that even COVID-19 pandemic has proved that few subjects affect your everyday life more than law. As you all know, governments around the world have taken extreme measures to limit the human cost and economic disruption. However, pandemic restrictions have also become a legal battlefield. On March 16 2020, universities in Türkiye suspended face-to-face teaching and education was rapidly replaced by digital online formats (distance education). Many universities including Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University announced that considering the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Council of Higher Education regarding education during Covid19 outbreak and the latest developments regarding the disease process, it was decided to conduct all undergraduate and graduate theoretical courses in the Fall and Spring Semesters of 2020-2021 Academic Year online (distance education). The fourth edition of the textbook was published in September 2021 at the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The news that a textbook is sold out is always good news and an important recognition its author. For this reason, I am glad to see that the first edition is sold out despite the pandemic. Hopefully, the need for the second edition of the textbook means that with the themes and issues addressed in textbook I have attracted considerable attention. I believe that the need for the second edition also proves that textbooks are crucial tools even for distance education. Therefore, the academic copies of the textbook of Introduction to Law in a nutshell (5th edition) and Constitutional Law in a nutshell (2nd Edition) have been sent to the academics teaching these topics in the universities shown in page 25. If you teach these subjects and have not received academic copies, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing . Finally, following an official letter submitted to the United Nations by the Republic of Türkiye, the country's name has been officially changed to Türkiye at the United Nations. Therefore, the new edition prefers to use “Türkiye” instead of “Turkey”. The new edition is also unchanged except for minor editing. I hope you find the revised and updated edition useful and I encourage any of you to contact us on if you have any comments and questions or if you find errors.

Ürün Özellikleri

  • Basım Dili İngilizce
  • Yazar Engin Saygın
  • Basım Yılı 2022
  • Setli/Tekil Tekil Ürün
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